Saturday, April 10, 2004

Tanning on the Mountain

Today was the final day of snowboarding for the 2003-2004 season. Another t-shirt day but today was even warmer. There were people in tank tops, shorts, sleeveless tops, and one guy skiing in a speedo. Yeah. Just a speedo. And it was an old guy too. I'd tell you what the speedo looked like, but I had to turn my eyes away. There was another guy in a boxer's outfit. He had a robe that boxers wear just before the fight and instead of gloves he was wearing boxing gloves. It was pretty funny seeing all the different costumes that people had on.

I would also like to apologize on behalf of Rodney to the guy that he smoked coming off a jump. I've never seen a mid-air collision before in my life. I don't think the guy was badly injured, but he did go down in one of those sleigh things pulled by the ski patrol. I was kinda picked when I was asking the guy about his knee and one of the "speed control" guys that work at the mountain says, "just wait until the first aid gets here if you don't know what's wrong." Y'know, I don't want to sound all high and mighty, but I probably knew a whole lot more than that guy and just as much as the ski patrol. I wanted to tell that guy to screw off and let me assess the damage. But I just backed off and let them do their thing.

I think as a nurse I have a social responsibility to help. Someone told me once that the Good Samaritan Act, which says that you can't be blamed for at least trying to help - even if you did harm, doesn't apply to me.

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