Saturday, April 3, 2004


I had one of the docs check out my finger yesterday. I refused an x-ray to confirm whether or not it was broken. If I had it x-rayed, the typical treatment for a broken finger: buddy-taping (taping it to the adjacent finger) it for a week or so then start range-of-motion exercises. If I didn't have it x-rayed, suggested treatment for a finger that may or may not be broken: buddy-taping it for a week or so then start range-of-motion exercises. Why bother with the x-ray? Its just tax money going to waste and me taking advantage of my position in the hospital to access health-care without waiting. The one perk of my job.

So today was supposed to be the last day of my job. All day yesterday I was telling people, "I'll be back tomorrow." But then, last night I get this phone call from my friend at work and she tells me, "You're name isn't on the list for tomorrow. According to the schedule, you're position ended today." So now, I'm off today! Yay! But then this morning, I get a phone call from the ward around 8:30am (why would they think I was awake that early?), and its my friend Anne getting mad at me for having the day off. She told me they had planned a little party for me and now it had to be cancelled. Did you hear that? They planned a little party for me. *sniff sniff* I'm so touched. I'm gonna miss those guys.

Oh, and we should all say our fond farewells to those near and dear to us. Goodbye Dinah's-mole! We'll miss you even if you were potentially harmful. May your departure bring good fortune to all those you've touched. (cue Amazing Grace on the bagpipes) Let us all salute the end of an era.

btw, Dinah is trusting me with the removal of 3 sutures on her upper lip. Here's where Oliver, RN and friend of moles, may show his quality.

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